Supporting documentation

Reflection - 

The final game contains all the mini games I intended to create. However I had planned on implementing different difficulties/modes, but I ran out of time because I was focusing on finalizing/getting my main mini games to work. The additional difficulties/modes I intended on adding along with the normal mode were, hard mode and timed mode. I had also intended on creating all of my sprites, UIs and Tile maps, but once again I ran out of time, however I was able to design/create the sprites/assets within the actual gameplay (player, enemies, objects...) which I found to be most important.

Summary of feedback - 

  • In the coin drop, player is a bit too slow or the play area is too large - My thought to fix this was to take the suggestion of reducing the play area.
  • Gameplay in mini games could be longer - I thought that I could extend the gameplay by increasing scores needed to complete the games and I also made more enemies spawn.
  • Shooting game could make the bullet shoot faster - Easily increased the bullet speed.
  • Slow the movement in the shoot game to encourage the use of the dash function - Reduced player speed.
  • Bug spotted where the spawners in the shoot game can be shot and destroyed - I Turned of the box collider on the actual object, not sure why I added it to the spawner in the first place.
  • Adding boundaries would be helpful to stop the player from leaving the screen - I brought the boundaries in towards the middle, which also reduced the play area.

Asset list - 

  • Player sprite sheet (regular, and shooter w/ shooting animations)
  • Player prefab
  • Playershooter prefab
  • NPC sprite sheet (similar to player)
  • Slug sprite sheets
  • Slug prefab 
  • Spawner prefab (for slug shooting mini game)
  • Object spawner prefab (for coin drop mini game)
  • Animator
  • Animator controller
  • Tile pallete 
  • Grid
  • Canvas
  • Panel
  • Button/text legacy
  • Text mesh pro
  • Scene switcher
  • Endgame listener script
  • Player score

References -

ChatGPT. (2024) Assistance with creating C# scripts for Unity project. Personal communication, 20 October.

Andelrodis. (n.d.) 1-Bit Game UI Pack. Available at: (Accessed: [today’s date, e.g., 23 October 2024]).                             (this was used for button sprites)

User Guide - 

Title: Hero Gooby

Controls: WASD for moving, in the shooting mini game you have additional controls which are, mouse clicking for shooting and space bar for a dash function.

Gameplay: The player has to go through three different types of mini games to complete the whole game. You start in a maze where you find a lost NPC, you then proceed to a coin dropper game where you catch the falling coins, and finally you end the game shooting monster slugs spawning from a trash can. 


The title screen

Mode selection - I should have named it differently since I ran out of time to create  other difficulties/modes.

A user guide for the controls.

A panel outlining the task before each mini game.

The maze gameplay, where the NPC is found.

A panel to indicate to the player when they successfully completed the level.

The coin dropper gameplay.

The shooter gameplay.

Files Play in browser
Oct 30, 2024

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